Captain of HU’s Debate Team with Kamala Harris

Synopsis: Debating for Impact: How Howard University’s Legacy Shaped Kamala Harris and American Leadership


In Debating for Impact, I explore the transformative power of debate at Howard University, tracing its historical roots and its pivotal role in shaping prominent American leaders, including Vice President Kamala Harris. This manuscript delves into Howard University’s debate program, illustrating how its rigorous training has been instrumental in developing critical thinking, eloquence, and leadership skills that have influenced national and global arenas.

Historical Context:

The manuscript begins with an overview of debate’s historical significance, dating back to ancient Africa where eloquence was revered in the courtrooms of Egyptian princes. This tradition of valuing speech and debate continued through the medieval universities of Europe, where rhetoric was a core component of education. In America, debate flourished from colonial times, becoming a cornerstone of the nation’s intellectual and political discourse. Founding fathers and revolutionary leaders were adept debaters, using their skills to advocate for a more perfect union.

Howard University’s Debate Legacy:

The narrative transitions to Howard University, detailing its long-standing tradition of excellence in debate beginning in 1906. The manuscript highlights historical details throughout the decades until Kamala’s participation. 

Kamala Harris’s involvement with Howard’s debate team is examined next. Arriving at Howard as a freshman, as I was the captain and member of the top varsity team, Harris immersed herself in the intellectually stimulating environment that defined the debate program that had reached national prominence. The manuscript reflects on how the rigorous training and exposure to complex policy discussions contributed to her development as a leader. Harris’s early engagement in debate honed her skills in critical thinking and public speaking, laying the groundwork for her future accomplishments in law and politics.T

The narrative also highlights the team’s involvement in student government and activism, including a successful campaign to fill key positions with debaters, and a year marked by significant events and discussions on racial justice and anti-apartheid efforts. 

Impact on American Leadership:

The manuscript also contextualizes the broader influence of Howard’s debate program within American history. Prominent figures who have emerged from this tradition include past U.S. Presidents, Supreme Court Justices, and influential policymakers. Harris’s achievements are seen as a continuation of this legacy, reflecting the enduring significance of debate in shaping effective leaders.

Legacy and Reflection:

The manuscript concludes by reflecting on the profound impact of Howard University’s debate program on its students and the nation. Kamala Harris’s journey from a freshman debater to a national leader serves as a powerful example of how debate can shape the trajectory of individual lives and, by extension, influence broader societal change.

Conclusion: Debating for Impact offers an insightful exploration of Howard University’s debate tradition, illustrating its role in cultivating the skills of future leaders like Kamala Harris. Through a rich historical context and compelling personal narratives, the manuscript underscores the enduring value of debate in shaping both individual destinies and national leadership.